Many of you have read my 'Warbler Wars' article series, and now I am adding a similar article: European Goldfinches Were Misnamed.
Dale Forbes, the author of the articles I was writing my series about, sated at the end of his article full of invalid points and...
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A short video created by me about Ohio's two chickadee species.
Sorry that this is the theatrical virsion, but the full-size version is to large for me to add.
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Today's Topic: Duck Migration.
Strange topic, huh? Actually, no. Ducks might seem like common, everyday birds you can see at any body of water, but, like with any bird, it requires being at the right place at the right time.
With mallard probably being the most common duck...
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I saw my first ever green heron the other day, and since then I have learned alot. I will share a few of the things I know about them with you.
Unlike the green heron's larger relative, the great blue heron, the green heron stands only a little over two feet tall, while...
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What does a warbler look like? There is a wide variety of colors packed in the warbler family. Warblers are best described as small colorful perching birds.
The warbler family has many colors, ranging from white to blue. Out of all American warblers, yellow is probably the...
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After looking at the website stats, I saw that the phrase 'Attracting American Goldfinches' had been searched. I decided to write an article on just that.
First I'll start out with the basics. Here is an American goldfinch male and female:
And here is a male...
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In previous articles by Dale Forbes, he argued that American warblers aren't 'true' warblers. He didn't go unchallenged. I argued back that 'American Warblers Are REAL Warblers'. I then found another article by him entitled: '7 Reasons Why I Hate Wood Warblers'. This did not...
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I prove why Dale Forbes' 7 reasons to hate American warblers are invalid.
"As I have explained at length in my last 10,000 Birds blog post, wood warblers are nondescript little birds, formally known by the binomial Phylloscopus sibilatrix. Being an...
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After getting attention from birders world-wide due to the article 'American Warblers Are REAL Warblers', our Fatbirder rating did a record one-day drop for this website. After a rating drop of 33 in only two hours Thursday evening, visitors kept pouring in. The number dropped down...
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