After a winter storm dumped inches of snow on throughout the midwest, I found myself with 5.5 inches of snow and drifts up to a foot and a half deep and loving it.
I did what I always do in such occasions: I donned my overalls, coat and gloves, grabbed my camera and...
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The official Birds of Ohio Field Checklist is now available! More updates to the checklist will be coming soon, so check back often for the most recent version of the download. To download free the Birds of Ohio Field Checklist version 1.0, click here.
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As I previously reported, Bald Eagles have been mysteriously dying in Utah and nobody seemed to know why. To jog your memory I will post a short recap: All of the eagles had been showing the same signs of ilness, namely siezures and paralysis, among others. Due to the fact that all of...
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The federal plan to begin killing Barred Owls to protect the Spotted Owl population in some areas of California, Oregon and Washington is moving forward. The plan approves the killing of 3,600 Barred Owls. The reason for the plan is that Barred Owls have been named the chief threat to...
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Want to give Birds of Ohio a hand? Here is a quick list of ways you can help us here at Birds of Ohio.
Vote for us on Fat Birder by clicking the counter on the homepage and then clicking the green 'Enter and vote' button. That's all there is to it! (Just don't vote more than once per...
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Bird of Ohio is pleased to announce a new soon-to-be-released project that is currently underway and will be completed before long. The Birds of Ohio Field Checklist! This checklist will list all bird species that have been seen in Ohio at least eleven times since January...
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Bald Eagles are mysteriously dying in Utah and nobody seems to know the reason why. This month already 12 birds have died. All of the birds show the same signs before dying.
“They were showing signs of body tremors, they would have seizures, they appeared to be paralyzed and they had...
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While sitting for seemingly endless hours in the woods in a treestand, I have alot of time to do nothing but watch and think. I spend most of my time watching the birds eating the corn that I put out for the deer. I usually see around 20+ species on each hunting trip. However, last...
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The week before Thanksgiving I saw my first American Kestrel along State Route 28 near Goshen. In fact, the trip concluded with me having seen four kestrels along the same route. I marvelled at having seen one for the first time, and yet the same day I saw them three seperate times...
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Tonight I had the opportunity to go to a local park and see some owls called in by an Ohio naturalist. I had been planning to attend since Friday in hopes of adding a few species to my life list, as well as getting (hopefully) some good photographs. So tonight I...
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