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List of the Top 10 North American Endangered Bird Species.

10) Kittlitz's Murrelet 9) Golden-Cheeked Warbler 8) Ashy Storm-Petrel 7) Florida Scrub-Jay 6) Piping Plover 5) Kirtland's Warbler 4) Gunnison Sage-Grouse 3) Whooping Crane 2) California Condor 1) Ivory-Billed Woodpecker AS REPORTED IN PLANET OF THE
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Record Fatbirder Drop!

Today, August 9th., Birds of had a record drop in the Fatbirder rating. We had a drop of 33 in only two hours. Keep voting for me! Don't know how to vote? No problem! Click this link for instructions on how to vote for my website:...
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American Warblers are REAL Warblers

If I would ask most of you what this bird is, most of you would know that this is a Prothonotary WARBLER. Prothonotary Warbler   Dale Forbes, a European birder argues that only European warblers are 'true' warblers. I argue that American warblers are true warblers. He says...
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Website Remodeled!

The website has been succesfully remodeled! The bird feeding and feeder types information is now more helpful than ever! New changes are still being planned, but the overall website is complete! We are still working on our other websites, including the look-alike Bird ID website...
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Sunflowers Attract Finches, Cardinals, Sparrows and Squirrels.

  Planting sunflowers is a great spring project... They are easy to grow, and also, they attract many different bird and mammal species. So far this year I have seen squirrels, house sparrows, northern cardinals, and american goldfinches eating the seeds out of the sunflower...
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First Hummingbird of the Year!

Today, May 2, 2012, I saw my first Ruby-Throated Hummingbird of the 2012 season! I read that Ruby-Throats were moving through early this year, but the strange thing is, I saw my first hummer last year before my first hummer this year!  Last year, I saw my first hummer on April 16, but this...
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Trip to Wildlife Refuge Proves Rewarding (PHOTOS)

During a trip to ONWR, I added 10 birds to my lifelist. The warblers were just appearing, so I saw 2 different types. I saw Yellow-Rumped Warblers (Quite a few of them), and I saw 1 Chestnut-Sided Warbler, but I wasn't luck enough to photograph it. I also hear a few visitors say they saw a Palm...
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My First Eastern Meadowlark EVER! (PHOTOS)

  This past week I have seen my first Eastern Meadowlark on our property. I heard a loud bird that I never have heard before. I rabbed the camera, zoomed in, and it happened to be an Eastern Meadowlark! Here are a few photos.    Figure 1: Eastern Meadowlark Singing on...
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Day on the Lake Proves Rewarding (PHOTOS)

   Last Thursday (3/21/12) I spent part of the day on the lake and it proved rewarding because I added two new birds to my lifelist. The American Coot and the Bald Eagle. Here is a list of pictures of the birds I saw.  Figure 1: Tree Swallow  Figure 2: Unknow...
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