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James Bond was a Bird Watcher

   Yes, you read that James Bond was a bird watcher. Of course, you may not be thinking of the same James Bond as I am. Perhaps you would...
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Bird of the Month

American Crow

   The American Crow is a common species in wooded areas and around farmland. They are year-round residents throughout the entire state of...

American Woodcock

   The American Woodcock is an early migrant to Ohio, beginning nesting as early as March. The American Woodcock dwells in low woodland...

Carolina Chickadee

Photo: Carolina Chickadee//Junior Barnes    The Carolina Chickadee is one of two chickadee species occuring in Ohio, the other being the...


Do you put up bird houses in the spring?

Yes 452 18%
No 2,115 82%

Total votes: 2567

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