Last Thursday (3/21/12) I spent part of the day on the lake and it proved rewarding because I added two new birds to my lifelist. The American Coot and the Bald Eagle. Here is a list of pictures of the birds I saw.
Figure 1: Tree Swallow
Figure 2: Unknow...
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Funny video I found on another website. Can't quite tell what they are doing.
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When spring arrives many things come to mind: Flowers blooming, fishing, gardening, and hummingbirds.
Every spring I check out to check spring migration status. This website tracks spring migration of the Ruby-Throated Hummingbird which happens...
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I found this video on an Ohio bird website and thought I would post it here.
The video is of a Golden Eagle trying to catch a turkey. This video was caught on a trail cam.
It is amazing how fast that turkey can run!
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