The regal Snowy Owl is once more pushing its range further south than is normal for this bird of the arctic regions. This is the second irruption in two years. These birds are a rarity as far south as Ohio. However, the first few reports of the birds in Ohio has grown to many reports...
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While driving down the road on a snowy winter day you might notice flocks of birds itting alongside, or directly in, the road. While driving down a rural country road recently, I saw a group of mourning doves sitting in the middle of the road. I wondered at this, but...
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After three years of trying to sight the elusive Rocky Fork State Park bald eagle, I have finally succeeded on that end. Today I decided to go on a trip to Rocky Fork State Park. Unfortunately I wasn't able to spend much time birdwatching at the lake, because it got dark too soon....
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If you are a faithful reader, then you have most likely noticed that my website hasn't been updated as much as usual. However, there is a good reason for this lapse of webmasterial responsibility. As you may know, I am a deer hunter. And as you probably do not know, nearly...
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Below are sevral Thanksgiving related cartoons that I found entertaining. Enjoy!
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By accepting these terms you agree to let us (WWW.BIRDSOFOHIO.WEBNODE.COM) use your (THE SUBMITTERS) story and/or photos both on our website (WWW.BIRDSOFOHIO.WEBNODE.COM) and printed publications. We (WWW.BIRDSOFOHIO.WEBNODE.COM) will notify you (THE SUBMITTER) via email...
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During the next few days, the website will mainly be updated on the "Birding Basics- Bird Feeding Information" page. Please check back soon for updates. If time permits, articles will be added to the blog as usual. Check back soon.
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If you have read my previous article, then you will remember what a great bird watching trip I had last year on October 7th. However, this year, as you will also remember, the day was wet an cold, leaving me inside typing my last article. However, I did find out what day the birds...
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Below is a list of 15 birds and some insight on their names.
Pied-billed grebe- Somthing 'pied' consists of two or more colors. As it's name states, the bill is multicolored.
Prothonotary warbler- Named after the bright yellow robes worn by Catholic clerks, or...
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The Red Knot, known for it's long migrations- about 9,300 miles- is currently being discussed by the U.S. Fish and Widlife Service (FWS), which has proposed to list the species as threatened under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). The species' population has plummeted in the past...
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