Junior Barnes' Story
Hi! My name Junior Barnes and this is my story:
I began birding in 2009 when I found a young chipping sparrow in my backyard. Ever since then, I have enjoyed watching birds and trying to identify them. My passion for birding has grown from just watching birds to feeding them and also housing them. I always look forward to putting up my seed and suet feeders in the fall, and my hummingbird feeder in the spring. I also enjoy watching eastern bluebirds and tree swallows nesting in the bird houses in my yard. I always go bird watching every opportunity that I get, and my lifelist now stands at 121 species.
I started my website in 2010, and since the intial launch until now, my website has grown tremendously whether you are considering the growth by content or by traffic. I now get about 300 views per day, and hopefully that number will continue to grow. My first website included simple bird ID's, a blog, and a photogallery. I have since dropped the bird ID's, but my website has grown to include much more helpful information including pages dedicated to bird information, a live bald eagle cam, and much more. I hope my website has been helpful for you, and that it will continue to develope into a larger, more popular online birding resource.
--If you have any comments or questions, contact me through the 'Contact' page, here.