Complete List of Terms and Conditions
By accepting these terms you agree to let us (WWW.BIRDSOFOHIO.WEBNODE.COM) use your (THE SUBMITTERS) photos both on our website (WWW.BIRDSOFOHIO.WEBNODE.COM) and printed publications. We (WWW.BIRDSOFOHIO.WEBNODE.COM) will notify you (THE SUBMITTER) via email before using your (THE SUBMITTER) photos in printed publications.
You (THE SUBMITTER) must be at least thirteen (13) years of age before being allowed to submit a photo to us (WWW.BIRDSOFOHIO.WEBNODE.COM). You (THE SUBMITTER) must own all copyrights to the photo. Submitting photos that you (THE SUBMITTER) did not take is strictly prohibited unless you (THE SUBMITTER) gains written permission from the original photographer (THE PERSON WHO TOOK TO ORIGINAL PHOTO). You (THE SUBMITTER) accept responsibility for all photos that you (THE SUBMITTER) submit. You (THE SUBMITTER) must not submit any photos that are not directly related to category (THE SPECIFIED TOPIC FOR PHOTO SUBMISSION) "Ohio's Wildlife".
If you (THE SUBMITTER) do not agree with the terms stated herein you must immediately stop usage of this web form and website (WWW.BIRDSOFOHIO.WEBNODE.COM)