Super Bird Sunday
The popular bird and garden magazine, Birds & Blooms, is hosting the first ever Super Bird Sunday. Taking place the same date and time as the Super Bowl, the contest is a competition between teams for the most bird species photogrpahed and posted. To participate, you just have to be a member of Birds & Blooms (no subscription necessary, just create an account). All of the details are posted below. View the original link here.
When: Sunday, February 2, 2014
Where: Birds & Blooms Community Forums under Bird Pics
Who Can Play: Anyone with a Birds & Blooms account and some photos of birds to share! If you’re new to the site, we recommend you create an account in advance and be sure you are familiar with how things work. Click the “Join Us” link on the top right corner of any page.
The Teams: There will be two teams competing. The team you are a member of depends on your birthday month. Team A will be for those born January – June; Team B will be July – December birthdays. (No birth certificates are required – we’ll take your word for it!)
Start Time: The competition starts when kickoff happens on the Superbowl. The Community Manager will officially open the competition at the right time, approximately 6:30 P.M. EST.
The Goal: Teams will compete to post as many photos of individual bird species as possible during the time of the competition. The winning team will be the one that has the highest individual species tally.
- Team members can post one bird species per post. Each post must include the name of the bird species shown in the photo and the approximate date and location of the photograph.
- Team members can make unlimited posts, as long as each contains only one bird species.
- All photographs must belong to the member posting them – you cannot use photos by others from around the internet, like Wikipedia or other photo sites.
- Teams must work together to try to avoid posting multiple photos of the same species. Once a species has been posted, other members should not post additional photos of the same species.
End Time: The game ends when the Super Bowl ends (approximately 10:30 PM EST). The Community Manager will drop in from time to time to remind the teams how much time is remaining for those who don’t watch the game.
The Winners: The winning team will be the one that has the highest tally of individual species photos as the end of the game. All members of that team win “bragging rights”, including a special image they can add to their Signature file or Avatar. Additionally, one member of the winning team will be drawn at random to receive a special surprise from Birds & Blooms!