Ohio Barn Owl Population is on the Rise
Barn Owl populations are on the rise in Ohio, according to Ohio Division of Natural Resources (ODNR). The once uncommon Barn Owl is now becoming a more frequently seen bird in most of the state. ODNR enourages people who see barn owls to report the sightings to the division by phone at 800-WILDLIFE or at email them at wildinfo@dnr.state.oh.us.
The species is easily differentiated from other owl species by their black or gray spotted golden back. The front and undersides are white. Barn Owls are most commonly seen in agricultural areas near open fields where they can hunt for mice and other small rodents. Barn Owls often live and raise their young in abandoned buildings, particularly barns (hence their name).
Ohio is now home to over 100 Barn Owl nests state wide, which is a dramatic increase in Barn Owl nests in Ohio since 1988 when only 19 nest were known of in Ohio. If you would like to try to help Barn Owls, consider building a Barn Owl nest box. Scientists beleive that the nest increase in Ohio was due in part to the Barn Owl nest box placement program.
Click here to view the Barn Owl ID on All About Birds.org