D14 Found Dead
November 27, 2012-
We are sorry to announce that Bob Anderson of Raptor Resource Project found D14 dead near Rockford, Iowa. D14 was one of three Bald Eagles raised at the Decorah nest. D14 was electrocuted after attempting to land on a power pole. Mr. Anderson immediately notified the utility company. D14's Body will be sent to the National Eagle Repository, and his feathers will be used in American Indian religious cerimonies. Upon a close inspection of D14's body, he was determined to be healthy and fat at the time of his death.
A federal study done in the late 1990s identified electrocution as one of the top four sources for bald eagle deaths. D14's satellite transmitter was the reason he was found. Many new poles have safety devices to help prevent bird electrocution, but old, unprotected poles can still harm birds. D12, the first eaglet of the Decorah nest this past season was electrocuted earlier this year.
A facebook group called 'The Memorial for D12 Facebook Group' are working with certain groups to develop and put into use bird-safe perches for the Decorah fish hatchery. To view the RRP blog post, click the following link: https://raptorresource.blogspot.com/2012/11/bird-safe-power-poles.html.
If you’d like to initiate a perch project in your area, please talk with your local power company.